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July's Latest News -- Monday July 11th, 2022

Testing news article

June's old news -- Saturday June 11th, 2022

Testing news article

nicole -- Wednesday March 30th, 2016

I have the monkeys for sale!!

Test -- Thursday May 1st, 2014

testing 1 2 3 2 1 ...

And more to come!

Penny gets adopted! -- Friday February 10th, 2012

Pretty well settled in here. The new pets are fine — a bit excitable and fussy, but I'm sure they'll calm down. They seem to have been trained already, so at least that's not a problem. They often have other pets over to play, and I surprise them by sneaking up, giving my biggest smile, and piddling on their shoes!  The neighborhood is very nice, I have the territory marked up already. There's a couple mean-looking mutts behind c ages on the path, but I can be a bit smug as I go by walking one of the big ones.  The local squirrels and birds are a bit cocky.  They seem to have been having things their own way for a while, and need to learn who's boss.  I’m starting to teach them not to invade while I’m surveying my kingdom . . Looks like I landed on my paws here. Life is good.     


From Penny .

Omar's update from his adopters -- Friday February 10th, 2012

We just wanted to drop you an update of Omar.  He is now 30 lbs (almost exactly) and doing great.   He has the most unique personality.  We describe it as “AAO”, “All About Omar.”  He is fearless… he sleeps next to the running vacuum without a care in the world and he investigates everything as if it was put on the earth just for him.  We love the spunk, even if it is a struggle to remind him that he is a dog (and not supposed to be the top dog at that).  At six months old, the confidence is a challenge, but we know it will result in him being the most unique pup as he matures.  None of that report is to cause any misinterpretation of our absolute love for the little guy.  It really is interesting to see him physically grow to match his larger-than-life personality.

A letter from Dude in his new home -- Friday February 10th, 2012

I just wanted to say Hi and let you know how happy I am.  I can't believe it has been 2 months since I moved in with my new family.   I have learned so many new things and I even like going to the vet now.  I was scared the first two times, but now I realize how nice they are and get to see all kinds of new friends like myself and I really like their dog biscuits.   I don't have to go back my mom says until I am 6 months old.  I love stuffed toys and my dad says I am all boy because I like to take the squeaker and stuffing out of my toys and then play with the skin.  It sure is alot of fun, but it sure makes a mess!  I like to sneak in the bathroom and unroll the toilet paper.  My parents just shake their head and tell me I shouldn't it's not good for me.  I love going for walks.  I was scared of the leash at first, but I like getting up with Mom when it's not raining in the morning and checking out the neighborhood and all the great smells!  I love my big brother, especially his toes and socks early in the morning!  He's not always happy with that, but he plays tug of war with me!  We have alot of fun!  He loves me and will snuggle when we are both tired.  I love my mom, my dad says I am a momma's  boy.  He just gets jealous sometimes and wants to play or hold me when mom has me.  I can truly say I am loved and happy!  My grandma comes to see me also and I love going to her house and sliding on the wood floors when I chase my ball or rope toy.  My family just laughs and it's alot of fun.  I hope my brothers and sisters are as loved as I am and having fun.  Please tell them Hi for me!


Love Dude